Your Guide to Laser Hair Removal
Laser hair removal certainly isn’t the new kid on the block hence the array of conflicting advice, articles and so-called ‘expert’ opinions that appear when you Google “laser hair removal”. You’ll find that some articles will tell you darker skin tones can be treated, while others show you scaremongering pictures of blisters or changes to pigmentation.

We all know that not everything we read online is to be believed and inaccurate articles can range from being out of date to shocking horror stories with the only intention to scaremonger prospective patients! We’ve had had enough of these articles so we’ve put together a go-to guide to Laser Hair Removal including all the essential information you’ll want to know if you’re considering the treatment. We’ll be busting myths and keeping you updated on all the latest Laser Hair Removal technologies that are available.
Myth Busting
Myth #1 – Laser Hair Removal Causes Infertility
Fact – Laser Hair Removal does NOT cause infertility. Due to the laser’s design Laser, Hair Removal for the bikini line does not cause infertility. Our lasers deliver a highly concentrated beam of light that penetrates the skin by approximately 1mm. This the delivers a controlled level of heat that microscopically damages the hair follicle which results in a decrease in hair growth and production. Our Laser Hair Removal systems are specifically designed to solely target hair follicles, meaning they will ignore anything that isn’t a hair follicle.
Myth #2 – Laser Hair Removal Will Prevent Sweating
Fact – Laser Hair Removal will not stop the body from sweating but we do recommend it for people who sweat a lot because the sweat will evaporate faster as it’s not clinging to any nearby hairs. Laser Hair Removal will not destroy the sweat glands or lymph nodes but the apocrine glands in the armpit and other pubic areas are closely associated with the hair follicles and can become disabled by the laser treatment. If you suffer from excessive sweating, hyperhidrosis, there are treatments to help – to find out more click here.
Myth #3 You cannot have Laser Hair Removal If You Have A Dark Skin Tone
Fact – This used to be the case and back in the early days of Laser Hair Removal the equipment used could not distinguish between the pigment in the hair and the pigment in the skin, meaning the ideal patient needed to have pale skin and dark hair for the treatment to work best. Thankfully modern lasers have come a long way and this is no longer the case.
Modern lasers now have adjustable wavelengths which are much for able to differentiate between pigment in the hair and pigment in the skin. Although it is now safe to treat darker skin tones significant training is required to ensure the best possible level of treatment to avoid any burning or pigment changes. It is paramount that you over ever receive Laser Hair Removal from a medically trained professional like the Cosmetic Surgeons and Nurses at Elanic – we proudly uphold to the high standards and regulations of the Quality Care Commission and only the best will do. You can be absolutely sure that you will receive the highest quality of care at our clinic.
Innovative Technologies
Technologies are constantly evolving and that is certainly the case with Laser Hair Removal lasers at Elanic we use the latest generation of Laser Hair Removal equipment that can safely treat a variety of skin tones and hair colours.
Laser Hair Removal offers a permanent reduction of unwanted hair growth and currently, there is no Laser Hair Removal to offer complete hair removal. Despite this, studies have shown that as much as 90% of the hair treated during a full course of Laser Hair Removal does not grow back.
The best results are seen when patients undergo a full course of Laser Hair Removal, the length of the course entirely depends on the patient and the area treated. You should expect to have between 4-8 Laser Hair Removal treatments for optimum results. We recommend this many treatments because the hair growth cycle is in phases and hair in the first stage can only be treated by the laser, which is why multiple treatments ensure that every hair is targeted.
We advise patients not to wax in between Laser Hair Removal sessions as this can disrupt the growth cycle of the hair and make the treatment less effective, patients can shave in between treatments.
Booking Your Laser Hair Removal Treatment
On our team is one of Scotland’s most qualified laser practitioners. Vivek Sivarajan has more than 13 years of laser experience and has lectured around the world. He is one of only a few doctors in the UK to have a Doctorate in Laser Treatment and was Laser Consultant at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, the UK’s busiest NHS laser department. Our Lead Aesthetic Nurse, Carol Dunn RGN is one of Scotland’s most experienced laser practitioners, having used lasers for over ten years. By coming to us you can rest assured that we have the knowledge and experience to look after you.
If you are considering having Laser Hair Removal you can arrange a consultation today and one of our cosmetic practitioners will the treatment with you in detail and answer any further questions you may have.